The PDF Designer allows you to enter a hexadecimal code to set as a field background color or text color. A hexadecimal code is a six digit code that represents a color. For example, white is represented by the hexadecimal code #ffffff.
Determining the Hexadecimal Code
To find out the hexadecimal code for colors in an image such as your logo, open the image file in a program like MS Paint.
- Click on the color picker icon in the Tools section.
- Click on a spot in your image with a color that you would like to use in the PDF Designer. Once clicked, the color will appear in the Color 1 section.
- When you have chosen a color that you like, click the Edit Colors icon.
The Edit Colors dialogue box will open. Take note of the red, green, and blue color values; this is the color's RGB value. You will use these numbers to determine the hexadecimal code for your color.
- Find a RGB to hexadecimal converter online. Click here to be directed to a converter.
- Enter the red, green, and blue values that you found in Paint.
- Once converted to the six digit hexadecimal code, copy the entire code including the # symbol.
Using a Hexadecimal Code in the PDF Designer
- Go to your Apps page and click the Edit PDF icon to launch the PDF Designer.
- Click on the section in your design where you would like to change the background or text color. This should automatically open the Field Settings.
- Delete the default hexadecimal code from the Background Color or Text Color boxes, and enter the code that you converted including the # symbol. The box will change colors to match the hexadecimal code entered.
To learn more about the PDF Designer, click here.
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