A field mask requires the user to input text data in a specific format. This might come in handy if you have a zip code field that needs to be a five digit number, or a customer ID that is always two letters followed by a four-digit number.
Activating field mask on a short text field
- Launch the App Builder (from the Apps page)
- Go to the Short Text (text box) you want to apply this format to. Click to edit.
- Expand the More Field Settings tab.
- Enter the desired field mask
Types of field masks
There eight different types of field masks. Each character requires a different response. Below is a list of the different characters that can be part of a valid field mask and their meanings.
0 - Digit, Required
9 - Digit, Optional (can be space or digit)
L - Letter, Required
l - Letter, Optional (can be a space or a letter)
A - Digit/Letter, Required
a - Digit/Letter, Optional (can be a space or a digit or a letter)
? - Something is required in this space (digit, letter, space, symbol, etc..)
* - Wildcard, used to signify an undetermined number of characters. This is used for "Starts with" (e. g. 000*) or "Ends with" (e.g. *AAA) but only one wildcard character is allowed per mask and it MUST be the first or last character.
Examples of field mask in use
Example 1
If we setup a Field Mask on a Field of AAA* this means that when responding, the user must enter text that meets the following criteria:
- The response MUST be at least three characters, but can be longer.
- The first three characters in the response must be either numbers or letters, they cannot be left blank or contain any symbols.
Here is a list of VALID response to a mask of AAA*:
1R4 7&)/
Here is a list of INVALID responses to a mask of AAA*
&78 4
Example 2
If we setup a Field Mask with 09a? this means that when responding, the user must enter text that meets the following:
- The response MUST be at four characters.
- The first character MUST be a number.
- The second character can be a number or a space.
- The third character can be a number, a letter or a space.
- The fourth character can be anything but MUST exist.
Here is a list of VALID response to a mask of 09a?
1 *9) /
Here is a list of INVALID responses to a mask of 09a?
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